Hello there. I’m excited you have landed here and to tell you a bit about myself. I grew up and lived in the United States (both coasts) until my early twenties took me to London for a few years. Next up was a trial move to Australia that has lasted over 15 years (minus one more recent stint living in the English countryside).

I studied English and Creative Writing at Stanford University and my first jobs were in Naming and Branding and then Advertising in San Francisco and London. I realised fairly early on though that I didn’t want to spend my life convincing people to buy things that they didn’t need and the move to Australia brought the opportunity for change. I went to Interior Design school at CATC in the Rocks in Sydney and after graduating, I started working at Real Living magazine and then freelancing for interior designers and other magazines. Raising a family took precedence for a while, but I have never stopped practising design whether it be for my own home remodelling projects or helping friends with theirs.

Another real passion of mine has always been home organisation and I’ve now taken quite a few friends and acquaintances on the journey of going through every item they own to determine what stays, what goes, what is loved and what is actually needed. It’s amazing how much better a person and a house feel when everything has its own rightful place and can breathe. It frees actual physical and mental space to rid oneself of clutter and can make a heart sing to be surrounded by items that are truly special and unique to it.

Design and organisation go hand in hand and I can help with both. When organising a space it quickly becomes apparent if the furniture has been set up in the right way, if somewhere cosy to sit is missing, if a new table or floor lamp is needed and if that sunny corner is in desperate need of a houseplant/piece of art. Perhaps that favourite collection of postcards/concert tickets/coasters or family photos can be hung and put on display or that mirror you picked up at a local antique shop can be put to good use in the entryway?

Using what a person already owns first is so key and oftentimes a repositioning will give an item new purpose. My job is to help you get your house in order so that everything else can fall into place. Good design affects everything and it should be attainable for everyone, regardless of budget. I want to help you have a wonderhouse, a house in which you and your family’s personality shines throughout and a house that you absolutely love to be in.

You can do it. Let me help.

Cierra x
